The University has specialists training for international community. The University is the higher educational institution of the European level which has old scientific traditions and solves problems of future and gives a unique opportunity to get the oldest and creative professions as well as specialities appeared & claimed by the 21-st century.The University belongs to the number of leading higher educational establishments of Ukraine. It is one of the major centers of the construction science in ukraine.
Over 500 teachers are ready to share their knowledge and experience, among them are 68 professors and Doctors of Sciences who have unique scientific erudition and world-wide reputation, 9 winners of State Awards; 280 assistant professors and Candidates of Sciences (PhD), 7 teachers with honored titles.Training international specialities has been taking place from since 1950.International students are welcomed to 37 departments of our University which prepare specialists in 13 civil engineering and architecture specialities.
According to the multi-level curricula our University prepares bachelors, specialists, masters and Phylosophy Doctors (PhD). The qualification of a bachelor is conferred after 4 years of study. For conferring the qualification of a specialist and a holder of master degree there is needed 1 additional year. The study in the Faculty of Architecture on the first stage takes 4.5 years, on the second one -1.5 years.
Kharkov school of training architects and specialists in civil engineering is known since the second half of the 18 century. From 1805 the training of specialists was carried out at Kharkov State University and since 1885 at Kharkov Technological University. On April, 17, 1930 the first higher educational civil engineering institution was established and it got the name “Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute” which was renamed for “Kharkov State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture” in 1994.Over 50,000 graduates were prepared at the University during the time of its existence. For over 50 years ago (since 1950), the University has welcomed students from across the world. Over 1,500 specialists from more than 80 countries have graduated from since then. 50 foreign post-graduate students became Doctors of Philosophy.All necessary facilities for study and leisure, great experience, in teaching foreign students, as well as high reputation in the world academic service market, reasonable prices are those factors which attract many young people from different countries to study at our University.International students bring with them a diversity and enthusiasm which undoubtedly enriches the University experience for everyone.
- Faculty of Civil Engineering was established in 1919.
092101 Industrial and civil engineering - Faculty of Architecture was established in 1930.
120101 Architecture of buildings and structures
7.120103 Design of architectural environment - Faculty of Economics and Management was established in 1994.
0502017 Management of enterprises
7.050102 Economic Cybernetics
7.050104 Finance
7.050107 Economics ot enterprises - Sanitary and Technical Faculty was established in 1930.
092108 Heat and gas supply and ventilation
7.092601 Water supply and water disposal
7.070801 Ecology - Mechanical and Technological Faculty was established in 1971.
092220 Equipment of chemical manufactures and equipment for producing building materials
7.092104 Technology of building structures, details and materials
7.092501 Automation of technological processes and productions
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