Accommodation at HUST:

HUST offers 15 best accommodated apartments on campus for international students. Single and double rooms are provided according to their own need. Washing room, water heater, air conditioner, Internet, telephone, furniture and other necessary things are well prepared.


There are four main apartments for international students and the distributions are as follows:

East district: Bojing Pavilion
Middle district: Friendship Apartment (mainly for scholarship students)
West districts: Huahong Apartment (mainly for postgraduate students)
(You need to pay the room rent for 6 months)

International Apartments:

Huahong Apartment
–       Single room – 900 RMB/month
–       Double room – 600 RMB/month

Friendship Apartment
–       Single room – 900 RMB/month
–       Double room – 750 RMB/month
–       Suite – 900 RMB/month

Bojingge Apartment
–       Double room – 5,000 RMB/year

Hongjia, No. 2 Building
–       Double room – 5,000 RMB/year

Washing room, water heater, air conditioner, Internet, telephone, furniture and bedclothing

HUST Huahong Apartment in spring HUST Huahong Apartment Single Room Huazhong University of Science and Technology Student Dormitories Huazhong University of Science and Technology friendship apartament single room